Perilaku manusia terhadap bumi memang tidak bersahabat.
Dalam tiap 24 jam, manusia menghancur 200 ribu hektar hutan hujan,
memusnahkan lebih dari 130 jenis tanaman dan hewan serta menebarkankan 13
juta ton bahan kimia toksin kepermukaan bumi. yang disebabkan oleh berbagai permasalahan
lingkungan sehingga berbagai jenis makluk hidup baik manusia, hewan maupun
tumbuhan tidak dapat bertahan hidup dan bahkan muka bumi juga turut berubah
akibat makin meluasnya gurun pasir serta sebagian daratan ikut tenggelam
karena naiknya permukaan air laut akibat es yang mencair di wilayah kutup.
Earth Policy Institute di Washington DC menyebutkan bahwa di Amerika pencemaran udara oleh Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap yang berbahan bakar batubara, rata-rata pertahun telah menyebabkan 23.600 kasus kematian, 554.000 kasus asma, 16.200 kasus bronkitis kronis, dan 38.200 kasus serangan jantung. (baca selengkapnya...) FUTURE OF THE EARTH The future of the Earth will be determined by a variety of factors, including increases in the luminosity of the Sun, loss of heat energy from the Earth's core, perturbations by the other bodies in the Solar System and the biochemistry at the Earth'... |
Saat ini hubungan manusia dengan bumi sebagai
pendukung kehidupan memang berlangsung tidak harmonis. Kondisi lingkungan
yang tidak terjaga dan terawat dengan baik...
Sumber energi yang berasal dari fosil, seperti
minyak bumi, gas, batubara dan sebagainya untuk sumber energi bagi kelangsungan
kehidupan persediaannya semakin berkurang...
Secara global sinar matahari yang mencapai permukaan
bumi telah turun sebesar 1-2% selama dekade 1950-an sampai 1990-an. Cahaya
matahari tampaknya semakin meredup. ..
The Island of Bali is part of the Republic of
Indonesia. Bali has an area of 2,175 square miles; measures just 55 miles
along the north-south axis and less than about 90 miles from East to West...
Art and Campaigns
LISA (2011). The work of NGOs
Greennusa, Samsuir Husaini, SP., Model animation is a painting of Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci). The appeal of the paintings were his eyes
flashing with the background scenery is beautiful waterfalls and live. Painting animations we allow to be used by
anyone for purposes related to environmental campaigns or other activities
related to environmental preservation...more
Nearly one in five people around the world do not have access to
modern energy services. Three billion people, mainly in poor countries, rely on
traditional biomass such as wood, coal, charcoal or animal waste for cooking
and heating, usually with negative impacts on human health and the natural
La Belle Ferronnière
La Belle Ferronnière is a name that has been applied to two Renaissance portrait paintings. The first (illustrated), is sometimes simply known as Portrait of an Unknown Woman. It is attributed by the Musée du Louvre, where it is conserved, to the school of Leonardo da Vinci in Milan. The other portrait, likely to be of Cecilia Gallerani--one of the mistresses of Lodovico 'il Moro' Sforza, Duke of Milan--is almost certainly by Leonardo, and is more often called Lady with an Ermine.
You can help by learning about and practicing the Four R's: Replant, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Practicing all four of these activities every day is not only important for a healthy environment.
(Message Presented by: LSM Greennusa)
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REPLANT: Tanami kembali lahan tandus dan hutan yang telah gundul.
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REDUCE: Kurangi penggunaan bahan-bahan yang dapat merusak lingkungan.
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REUSE: Gunakan kembali barang bekas yang masih layak pakai.
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RECYCLE: Daur ulang barang bekas menjadi produk baru.
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