Non-Governmental Organization (LSM) Greennusa, abbreviated "GREENNUSA" stand on December 13, 2010 at the Gampong Padang, Nagan Raya, Aceh, Indonesia.Intent and purpose of its formation is as a container community to participate in conservation and environmental management with the slogan "bestari perlaku ~ lestari perlaku"
Program activities Greennusa include reforestation, a survey of environmental management, environmental management supervision carried out by various parties, legal education to the public about environmental issues, education and training on environmental issues, the establishment of environmental rescue groups, and other activities relate to the intent and purpose of LSM Greennusa.
....sambungan dari Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
Relevansi kutipan di atas dengan kondisi terkini Nagan Raya, yaitu:
Bahwa ada aktifitas pengambilan batu gunung (masyarakat lokal menyebutnya batu gajah karena berukuran besar) dengan cara penghancuran areal hutan dan bukit, pembangunan pemukiman, jalan, perladangan serta perkebunan di daerah tangkapan air (hulu) dan di sepanjang DAS sungai Krueng Nagan yang merupakan satu-satunya sumber air bagi Irigasi Jeuram. Jika keadaan ini terus berlanjut maka dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama akan berimbas pada gagal tanam puluhan ribu hektar usahatani padi masyarakat Beutong, Seunagan Timur, Seunagan, Suka Makmur dan Kuala, Nagan Raya.
Dalam hal ini, aktifitas mana yang paling 'exclusive' dan kegiatan 'alternanatives' apa yang paling ber-'mutually' ?
MacKinnon, K.,, Pengelolaan Kawasan yang Dilindungi di Daerah Tropika, Gadjah Mada
..."MacKinnon examines the condition of the Watershed of 11 irrigation projects in Indonesia. Condition of the catchment area varies from state almost intact up to severe damage caused by pengundulan forests, logging and settlement. Catchment is less and even not well protected by the government through the relevant departments. Though using the standard cost for the construction of the natural boundaries of appropriate, gatehouse building, appointment of guardians and the purchase of basic supplies, the cost of reforestation, resettlement of the population in some cases, the estimated costs necessary to protect the watershed as it should be only 1 percent of construction costs of irrigation projects so that the water catchment area remains intact and only 5 percent when required ample greenery, and a maximum of 10 percent of construction costs where appropriate resettlement and greening. Overall, this cost is nothing when compared with forecasts of declining efficiency in irrigation systems that reach 30 to 40 percent as a result of catchment and river basin is not maintained properly (MacKinnon, K., et al, 1990: 86-87) ".
The relevance of the quote above with the current condition of Nagan Raya, namely:
The future of the Earth will be determined by a variety of factors, including increases in the luminosity of the Sun, loss of heat energy from the Earth's core, perturbations by the other bodies in the Solar System and the biochemistry at the Earth's surface...
Cecilia Gallerani as The Lady with an Ermine
Lady with an Ermine is a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, from around 1489–1490. The subject of the portrait is identified as Cecilia Gallerani, and was probably painted at a time when she was the mistress of Lodovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, and Leonardo was in the service of the Duke.
The painting is one of only four female portraits painted by Leonardo, the others being the Mona Lisa, the portrait of Ginevra de' Benci and La belle ferronnière. It is displayed by the Czartoryski Museum, Kraków, Poland and is cited in the museum's guide as the first truly modern portrait. When exhibited in The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, it was described as "signal[ling] a breakthrough in the art of psychological portraiture".
Cecilia Gallerani (1473–1536) was the favourite and most celebrated of the many mistresses of Ludovico Sforza, known as Lodovico il Moro, Duke of Milan. She was the subject of Leonardo da Vinci's painting The Lady with an Ermine (c. 1489). While posing for the painting she invited Leonardo, who at the time was working as court artist for Sforza, to meetings at which Milanese intellectuals discussed philosophy and other subjects. Cecilia herself presided over these discussions.
'LISA (2011). Hasil karya LSM Greennusa, Samsuir Husaini, SP. Model animasi adalah Lukisan Monalisa hasil karya Leonardo da Vinci. Daya tarik lukisan adalah matanya yang berkedip dengan latar belakang pemandangan air terjun yang indah dan hidup...
REPLANT: Tanam pohon pada lahan tandus dan hutan yang telah gundul.
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REDUCE: Kurangi penggunaan bahan-bahan yang dapat merusak lingkungan.
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REUSE: Gunakan kembali barang bekas yang masih layak pakai.
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RECYCLE: Daur ulang barang bekas menjadi produk baru.
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blogwalking for the day!!!!!!!! tips yg menarik cools n nice blogs'''''''' click here ! thanks,,,,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteaku senang jika masih ada yang peduli dengan dampak yg selalu menjadi masalah dunia no1 tentang penghijauan.kembangkan terus blog ini sob..maju terus GREENNUSA !.semoga indonesia dan dunia bisa kembali tersenyum dengan hijaunya wajah angkasa
ReplyDeleteNice post,thanks for sharing,happy blogging.
ReplyDeletedelighted in sharing,hppy blogging